Sunday, December 23, 2007

21st December 2007

I turned 26 on this day. Didn't do much. Spent time at home receiving wishes over the phone. Spent some more time online and checked out my Orkut scrapbook as well to reply to those who had wished me. Some of them did wish because they saw the birthday reminder on Orkut. Others did so because they remembered. You normally are able to differentiate between the two.

Couple of pals called up the next day as they were either traveling or had too much on their mind to attend to (Bakri-Id was also celebrated that day). It didn't bother me. Just glad they called.

Spent quite a bit of time by myself introspecting on where I was headed. What I had become. What I was doing to myself. What I was doing to others.

Nothing like some quiet time to yourself to just have it hit you smack on the forehead. Frustration at the amount of time it's taking to get back on the job. Loss of patience, which was one of my stronger points earlier. Takes very little to snap at someone now. Almost like I'm waiting for someone to commit an error and then leap to rip that person to shreds.

I like listening to sad songs now. I've got plans for new year with my friends to go out to one of the beach shacks for a party. Got incredible number of weddings to go for in this month and in the next couple of months ahead as well.

Seems like a farce.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

NO to Da Vinci

Been meaning to blog for a long long time. Everytime I think I'll blog there's either an exam to prepare for or a trip to Bombay. (15 round-trips to Bombay in 7 months!!!)

And recently I've noticed my tolerance levels seem to have dropped considerably. Earlier I wouldn't say a word if someone cut the queue in front of me or had someone come down the wrong side of the one-way street. These days I seem to be the first guy upfront to rip them apart.

Of course, what I read today in our local newspaper "HERALD" was AWESOME!
Goa against screening of Da Vinci
This, because of the religious sentiments that may be hurt!!?????


So what the "minister" is trying to say is that if the movie is screened any other time of the year, sentiments won't be hurt. But during Christmas season, sentiments are vulnerable?????

Why doesn't he just concentrate on development? Oh yeah! I forgot. In the name of development, they already put up half the state for sale!

Would love to type out a letter to our beloved ministers:

Dear Minister,
PLEASE. For the love of God! Shut up!
You're the minister! Just ensure your department works efficiently and the public gets its due for voting you to "power".
Thank you.

p.s. I saw the movie today afternoon. My sentiments were definitely not hurt!