A brand new year... new blog site???
Been contemplating starting one here for a lil while... seems like ever since I started blogging, my personal diary has taken a back seat. Haven't been writing there for quite a while.
Still trying to get my mind off the new year bash.
AMAZING time. If it hadn't been for an invitation from a damn close pal I would've ended up at some BORING get-together with loads of uncles and aunties talking to each other. Damn this party I was at
ROCKED!!! Baga beach has some pretty cool shacks on the beach, but the one we were at had a
FANTABULOUS dance floor. Great music too I might add. I knew just
3 guys from the group I was in. And we were 20 of us. Got to dance in the new year with new friends. Danced so hard, it reminded me how much I missed dancing :) Danced my heart out. I still am actually. Wake up every morning to some dance music and shake my butt about a little bit.. umm... and the rest of my body too.