Friday, January 06, 2006

War games

An audacious plan it was… an audacious plan it remained. The enemy was all over us. They were hitting their mark with increasingly alarming accuracy. We were almost overrun. Cutting into us with ease, they infiltrated our area with no discomfort whatsoever. On the other hand, when we tried to infiltrate their area in a series of counter attacks; we were more often than not, left scattered and too thinly spread out. And when we did find our mark it was usually a one man attempt by either one of our sharpshooters.
It was increasingly frustrating for us as the losses were mounting. Not one to take such losses lightly, we came up with a plan to make up for all our setbacks. If one of the sharpshooters from the opposition camp was to be taken out … the battlefield would be levelled out a bit. And so it was put into action – Operation Knockout as we named it.
Plain and simple it was – draw the enemy out into our area and when one of them went for the shot, we would move in for the kill. And so it was to be… they were moving in totally unaware of the ambush awaiting them. Their top sharpshooter moved in to take the shot and we moved in to take him out. Move in we did, but what was not anticipated was him selling us a dummy. Hit him we did not as he faked moving forward and moved around us, allowing us the unenviable opportunity of taking each other out. Victory was theirs once again. But fear not men! For tomorrow is a brand new day and we will play another game of basketball!!!

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