Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Dance away to glory!

First dance class today. Salsa. Been wanting to join for over a year... but then I was in a hostel. After that I was on the ship. Now i'm back and I don't intend letting this slip away from me. Reached early... few people around. Need to catch up with a gal to get a partner for the dance. Well, one of my friends had come with an additional pal and he introduced us... and voila! dance partners! Well, today being the first day, solo steps were the call of the day. Interesting... varied the beat of the music... Really really enjoyed it. Been eons since I last danced. This felt heavenly. Looking forward to Friday. Really really looking forward to it.
Salsa - espanol for sauce... so he said... dance is saucy... so he said.


anN-series said...

hey ur learning salsa....wanted to learn that bt cudnt find a partner ;(.....enjoy the 'saucy' dance!!!!

anN-series said...

so how was friday's class????

ss said...

heyyy!!! even i want to learn salsa!!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.