Monday, January 14, 2008


Attending an oil tanker course in Bombay for the last week and it's running this week as well.

Lecturer gives out a few anecdotes while trying to make the class interesting.

Guy 1: When I wake up in the morning I feel totally invigourated. I have a hot shower and after that I feel rosy all over.
guy 2: Please introduce me to Rosy. I too would like to feel her all over first thing in the morning.

He was explaining about the catwalk on the oil tankers. "Don't mix it up with the fashion catwalk. That's a totally different type of pussy... sorry, cat."

Of course, he seems to have a soft corner for Mallika Sherawat. Keeps on bringing her up while interjecting the lecture with anecdotes. Today, we asked him why not Bipasha. Someone asked about her age. Another responded with "somewhere in '79". He shot back with "you talking about date of birth or size???"

1 comment:

ss said...

GOD!!! Thats hilarious..!!!