Monday, March 22, 2010

Of Cricket, IPL and development?

It's funny watching the recent auction for the 2 new franchisees hike up the valuation ratings for the previous IPL teams by close to 200%!!! The cheapest team was the Deccan Chargers and they seem to be holding a GOLDMINE in their hands by the look of things.
It's interesting if you notice the 2 new teams to come in: Kochi and Pune (or Poona as some would have you say). Sahara Group won the Pune franchisee. The Kochi franchisee was won by Rendezvous Group.
Rendezvous group has Vivek Venugopal, Anchor switches, Rosy Blue Diamond, Mukesh Patel, Ravi and Sanjay Gaikwad as part of the consortium. (Info courtesty IPL Chairman, LKModi tweets). How did they get together? Our very own Tweet-Popular Minister of State for External Affairs, Mr. Shashi Tharoor would be credited over here.
Again courtesy of Mr. LKModi's tweets:
"Shashi Tharoor is a cricket enthusiast and always wanted an ipl team in his state. He was the galvanising force behind getting a group there. Shashi tharoor's role is just that and not that of an investor. He wanted a team in his state and he worked hard to get one. He managed it. Shashi tharoor worked hard to put this together and I must congratulate him in putting this together so quickly and swiftly."
Dr. Shashi Tharoor has always said he wanted to work towards making Kerala better. And how! He's utilised his position well! In an interesting article a couple of months ago, Dr. Shashi Tharoor concluded an agreement in principle with the Mayor of Barcelona for twinning of the cities of Barcelona and Thiruvanathapuram
This guy really makes sure he can do what he can for the development of his place. Unlike some others...
I mean, how many of us knew about a group called the IOR-ARC? That again is another interesting read.
Coming back to the IPL, with Kochi, it now means the 4 southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh now have an IPL team each! (P.S. did you know Dravida in our National Anthem meant Southern India? I didn't :( )
And with Sreesanth making public that he would not mind playing for the Kochi team next year, (Come on! It's obvious! Home boy for the home team!) I guess there would be quite the hunt around for some Fraud Mallus too as we so put it.
(Unfamiliar with the term Fraud Mallus? Look up the group on Orkut or Facebook! :P)

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