Friday, November 14, 2008

Finally back here again!

10 months later and here I am...
Another ship, another trip round the world, different countries and new experiences.
Now ain't that something...
Came back on the 10th of October. Since then I've been busy literally travelling about.
Ain't complaining though. Does help keep the mind occupied.
Let's see... and short introduction on where I've been the last few months...

Signing-on flights: Goa - Mumbai - Dubai/Fujairah

Ship: Fujairah - Goa(yeah I went home within 10 days!!!) - Singapore - Lanshan(China) - Adang Bay(Indonesia) - Pagbilao(Philippines) - Battangas(Philippines) - Haypoint(Australia) - Cosipa, Santos(Brasil) - Tubarao(Brasil) - Hamburg(Germany) - Murmansk(Russia) - Port Bury, Wales(U.K.) - Kamsar(Guinea) - Las Palmas(Spain) - San Ciprian(Spain) - Tubarao(Brasil) - Point Lisas(Trinidad & Tobago)

Signing-off flights: Port-of-Spain(Trinidad & Tobago) - Caracas(Venezuela) - Charles-de-Gaulle(France) - Mumbai - Goa

Phew! Over 7 months on-board Giovanni Della Gatta and half that time under a not-so-pleasant Italian captain can be a very very long time.

Since I've been back, I've spent the first weekend at home. The next weekend in Bangalore, the next at home and the one after that was spent on meeting friends as it was the Diwali weekend and people were coming down for the extended weekend. Since then, last weekend I was in Pune and this coming weekend might in all probability see me in Delhi with the next 2 weekends seeing me in Kerala. And I say I get bored! Jeez! Talk about making EVERY TRIP planned at the last moment!
But there's always a fun element in a last moment put-together trip huh?

Whaddya say?

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