Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Work ethics...

Advanced Fire Fighting is the course i'm currently attending this week...
Today a lecture was taken by one of the Chief Engineer's out here... just talking about the safety attitude that Indian seafarers have towards work on board. Supposedly a study carried out by an international organisation (cannot be named for reasons best known to him), people all over believe in God which is good for one's peace of mind. But Indians don't believe in God, rather they DEPEND on God. Indians supposedly have this belief that if they have to die then they can die even in their sleep and that if they aren't supposed to die then even if a crane falls upon them, they will come out unscathed! It even happens for exams.
Another affliction affecting our fellow Indian seafarers is ego, or so he claims. When a person flunks all his papers he says "naseeb kharab tha" or rather "wasn't in my destiny". On the other hand, when a person clears his papers... "damn I was good! studied so hard!"
He even went on to describe the different types of people present in the workforce and how they are classified.
--> I am ok, you are ok
--> I am ok, you are not ok
--> I am not ok, you are ok
--> I am not ok, you are not ok
The Indian workforce commonly falls in the 2nd classification.
Lecture over. Frankly speaking, he was a good orator and had a way with words. But sorry to say the class, well what the heck, I didn't agree on most of his points. People change and mentalities do change as well. Not everyone comes into this field with a negative mentality. Then again, you do come across your share of morons.
All in all, you see the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Hmmm movie mood now. Damn Sri Lanka - New Zealand semifinal WC match is on now and i'm willing to bet ALL the TV's in the hostel will be occuppied.
Well, hopefully the payphone will be free... 'phone a friend' is always available out here. For a price of course!

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