Monday, February 20, 2006

Finally back from mumbai!

Man it's been ages since I last had a look at this site... in the words of Andy D'Sa... back from a long sabbatical.
A lot has happened... a lot is happening... and a lot will happen. Had been bugged to no end by some of my pals in mumbai to have a tracker put in on my blog... well TAA DAA! it's up and running! Though I must say I've already lost out on time and I doubt anyone ever comes here in the first place (other than the people to whom I tell about my blog... AND THEY DONT POST COMMENTS!!!)
Since my last post, I've had to make a trip to mumbai for close to 2 weeks, undergo briefings in the office, have details about my ship embedded in my head and then, 2 days before my U.S. visa interview wherein the American sitting behind the counter at the American Consulate in mumbai gets to decide whether I get the visa to step in his country or not, I get a contract with a different type of ship altogether just for the visa. Now how cool is that?

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