Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Some of my age old poetry...

Used to write poetry long time ago. 'Used to' ... makes it sound like it's been ages since I wrote a poem... more like the last one I wrote was 8 months ago.
Anyway, thought i'd post some of my earlier poems... might inspire me to get poetic and pen one down before I set sail.

Walking In The Clouds

When I'm with you I feel as if I'm walking in the clouds,
All the dreamy soft air around gently caressing your hair and skin,
The wind smells like a million roses,
I feel like every step I take could last forever.
It's like comfort all around me, and of course the wonderful warm feeling of love,
Your voice sounds like the beautiful song of the bluejay singing softly into my ear,
Your touch feels like the petal of a rose, soft and moist,
Your eyes are like the crystal blue sky, sparkling like diamonds under the warm light,
And, I love being around you, because when I am, I feel as if I am walking in the clouds.

Your Eyes

Your eyes reached deep into my heart,
It touched my soul, and read my mind.
What we shared was wonderful,
Plain, simple and one-of-a-kind.

I lost myself in your eyes,
And felt feeling I never knew,
But your eyes belong to someone else,
For they never look at me,
... The way my eyes look at you!


Anonymous said...

valentine blues or WHAT!

Mariner said...

naaah just a girl sitting across me at a hang out fast food joint. might I add she had adorably cute eyes.